Kamis, 04 September 2008

tips to Weight Loss Success

tips to Weight Loss Success

Be a SMART planner!

SMART means being Specific,
Measured, Appropriate,
Realistic, and Time-bound
about what you plan to achieve.
For example, if your goal is to
increase your physical activity,
then write down the type of
activity you plan to do, how
many times you can realistical-
ly do it each week, and for how
long each time. Start with
small, short, and easier goals,
and work your way up.

Make yourself an offer
you can’t refuse.

Before starting to reach your next
goal, offer yourself a promise like
this, "If I reach my goal this (day,
week, month), I will treat myself
to a well-deserved (Fill in a
reward here, but not a food
reward.)." Think of something
you want, such as an afternoon
off, a massage, a movie, or even a
deposit toward a larger reward.
Be creative, set up rewards for
yourself frequently, and make
sure you give them to yourself
when you reach your goal.

Balance your (food)

Keep a diary of what you eat
and how much physical activity
you get each day. Then, at the
end of each week, record your
weight in the same diary. You
and your health provider can
use this information to adjust
your eating and physical activi-
ty plan to find the best way to
reach your goal.

Keep an eye
on the size!

Did you know that we eat most
of what is on our plate, no mat-
ter what the size of the plate?
When at home, try using smaller
plates; they will help you take
smaller portions. When eating
out, share an entrée! Studies
show that portions today are
often super-sized—enough for
two or more people to share.

Am I full yet?

The question may take
longer to answer than
you think. It takes 15
minutes or more for
the message that
we’re full to get from our
stomachs to our brains.
So take a few minutes before
digging in for that next helping.
Having trouble feeling full?
Eight glasses (8 ounces each)
or more of water or other non-
caloric beverages daily fills you
up and keeps you refreshed.
Also, vegetables and fruits can
help you feel fuller, especially
when eaten raw.

How much
is enough activity?

You need to get at least 30
minutes of moderate physical
activity per day, most days of
the week to help burn up extra
calories. But give yourself
credit for the activities that
you’re already doing. Common
activities such as climbing
stairs, pushing a
stroller, gardening,
and walking all
count as physical
activity. Just
make sure you do
enough of them.